Windows 8 Transformation Pack 7.0 Free Downlaod

Windows 8 Transformation Pack 7.0

Windows 8 Transformation Pack 7.0 download:Window 8 has the most beautiful appearance between windows editions, if you want to change your windows XP,Vista,7 appearance to Windows 8 without any changing we recommend you using of Windows 8 Transformation Pack, this free tools change all of your windows appearance to windows 8 appearance like themes, sound alerts, boot screen-:

[ Features Windows 8 Transformation Pack 7.0 ]

==> Save your old transformation after installation and uninstallation.
==> Easily configurable.
==> Compatible with all windows editions like:Windows XP,Vista,7 including Server Editions.
==> Windows 8 system resources with Metro touches.
==> Windows 8 themes, logon screen and wallpaper.
==> Metro UI desktop emulation.
==> Aero’s auto colorization.

[ System Requirements Windows 8 Transformation Pack 7.0 ]

.NET Framework 2.0 : Required for system files transformation "XP,2003 x64 Only"
.NET Framework 4.0 : Required for Windows 8 features like User Tile/Metro UI Desktop/Auto-colorization "XP,Vista Only"
.NET Framework 4.5 : Required for Windows 8 features like User Tile/Metro UI Desktop/Auto-colorization "Win7 Only"

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